Tali Guday

Tali Guday

A2 milk and the dairy debate

Many popular diets instruct people to avoid dairy, for a variety of reasons. When you consider the pros and cons of personal dairy consumption, you may want to add one more variable to the decision equation: should you avoid A1…

MRE imaging for gastrointestinal disorders

Pineapple juice can replace barium contrast during MRI with contrast (MRE) MRE (Magnetic Resonance Elastography) is a specific type of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) performed with contrast material to produce detailed images of the small intestine. MRE is preferred over…

Crohn’s and liver disease (PSC)

The doctor that brought the gift of hope Teddi Bledsoe and her beautiful family went through several years of the agonizing roller-coaster of pediatric Crohn’s and PSC before they found the right formula of diet and medications that brought their…