Vegetable-centered grain free diet

A simple, delicious, colorful path to wellness

A strong body of research supports the idea that a vegetable centered diet is key to wellness. Meals based on plant foods are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Add reasonable amounts of good protein sources, like pastured eggs, sea food, some organic meats, top with healthy unprocessed fats, and you have achieved the optimal diet according to the latest leaders in nutritional research .


If a gut is in a flare, or in a process of healing – cooked vegetables are easier to digest and absorb. As soon as possible, the gradual addition of raw vegetables is helpful. An ideal diet includes varied combinations of both raw and cooked vegetables.

Minimal efforts with great rewards

We try to increase our vegetable consumption with minimal extra efforts. No complicated recipes, no attempts to hide the vegetables in familiar dishes, no ‘healthy duplicates’ of junk food. Just a celebration of colors and textures. Yes, it is possible to CRAVE a cup of smooth warm veggie soup, a tray of roasted vegetables, or a large bowl of fresh crispy salad.

Here are two galleries of our current favorites. The first gallery is a collection of over 30 dishes. The second gallery is a short collection of fuss free desserts that do not require baking or cooking. Enjoy!

Main Dishes


Snacks and Desserts


  1. After learning about the risk of MAP we avoid raw milk – here is a link about the topic

    In addition to homemade SCD yogurt , the only other dairy products we eat are hard, aged cheese (like cheddar) and some grass fed butter. 24 hours yogurt, hard cheese and butter are all naturally lactose free due to the fermentation process, and they are a source of probiotics. While we tolerate dairy, some people don’t tolerate even fermented dairy, and I know many who thrive without any dairy in their diet.

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