Milestones in our timeline

2010-2012 Despite our doubts and despite the doctor’s cautions, we decided to try a strange diet to manage our son’s Crohns. Concerns about giving our son harsh medications from a young age had led us to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. In…

Gentle colonoscopy prep

This prep is SCD compliant. A colonoscopy can be the butt of many jokes, funny and dreadful at the same time. It is not a procedure that is reserved for older adults – thousands of kids, some very young, undergo this test…

Diet In Summer Camp

Maintaining SCD (or other restricted diets) can be done away from home. Sleep away summer camps are the highlight of every summer, and our son loves them. CCFA Camp Oasis is his favorite every year. He travels to camp with…

Travel Checklist

Traveling while maintaining a restricted diet can be a challenge. Planning ahead and keeping a running list of essential items helps. Here is our master checklist for travel, Gut Harmony Ultimate Travel List. You can print it out, adapt it…

When I is WE

You probably think of yourself as a single entity, an independent navigator of your own life, think again! In reality, everything you think, feel, or do is affected by the intricate communication process between the multi-millions of microbes in and…